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Currently the projects that I am working on are a DIY pizza oven, a hat for my road tripping van, I’m trying to learn to draw, and I’ve just finished making a bedside table, also this website. I’ve been doing a lot of work to make my home a little more roomier. Currently, my home is my studio and sometimes that balance between living space and creative space gets off. I had hoped to build myself a studio this year which would have given me more room to work in. But, I’ve had to accept that I’m still not ready to do that. It’s a life goal though. Right now I wanted to talk about the van a little bit.
This is the hat for the road tripping van. My girl and I were able to get the van out over the weekend for some camping and kayaking. This van has been out about 10 times now and its had the hat on this whole summer. I will be writing a more full blog on just that project since I’m very proud of it. It has performed VERY well. Sometime I finish projects and realize I missed something big but this design has performed very well. I spent time last summer building it but we were not able to get it on the van and out for a trip until this spring. I was hopeful that I would be able to strap two kayaks to the top but I never felt safe with any of the ideas I came up with. So, that was a little disappointing but we have just thrown the second kayak in the back of the van. This little van has been a lot of fun. I’m not sure how much life it has left in it, but most of what I have done inside will transfer to the next van when that time comes.
The hat is a custom car-topper that allows me to store a large portion of our camping gear outside the vehicle. Inside the vehicle we have a bed and mostly open space for relaxing where ever we can find a good view to check out.
I just really enjoyed this project. The build went pretty well and it using it has made for some great times. That’s the state of the art. Enjoying the creation.